SICC Supports BOWLinks

3rd April, Singapore: A good start for a new year of the BOWLinks (Bowl Over With Love, Inspiration, Nurturing, Kindness and Sincerity) programme with the support of the Singapore Island Country Club (SICC).

As the club is set to increase their Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives this year, they found synergy with our BOWLinks programme, an initiative by SingaporeBowling to give assistance to local associations with special needs.

Vice-President – SICC, Mr Paul Thomas has always been in the forefront supporting the club’s outreach to the less fortunate through the club’s many fundraising events and is leading the charge to recognize the small groups of the community who also need assistance.

“The club has the facilities and the means and through such events we are able to have the opportunity to give back to the community and do our part,” said Mr Thomas.

Club member Mr Lionel Lim shared his support for the event, being an avid bowler himself, “Everyone, regardless of their disabilities, should have the opportunity to enjoy the game.” Mr Lim made a personal contribution to show his support for the event.

SingaporeBowling council member and chairperson for the BOWLinks initiative, Mrs Florence Khemlani expressed her thanks on behalf of the federation for their support, “Thank you for your generous support in allowing the BOWLinks event to be held at the club, it means a lot to the participants,” she encourages more corporate Singapore to support such initiatives.

Some 80 participants with special needs enjoyed bowling, good food and had great fun at the Island Bowl @ Singapore Island Country Club earlier today. Please click here to download BOWLinks programme information.

Photos by SingaporeBowling.